Tuesday, August 2, 2011


so...  the other day my comp charger fried it's self or something... i can't get it to work.... and my phone battery won't hold a charge... my electronics seem to be killing themselves for no good reason... it's so annoying! >.<'

but i am able to use nick's step-mom's at night... ~ shrug ~ i guess it's better then nothin... but i get so uncomfortable... i hate it... and i want our own place so bad i cry! but that requires monies... and monies don't seem to like us much... :(
i also want pics taken of my leo... he's getting sooo big already! and we have lots of birthday preperations to do... and want soo much but can't have any of it...

but on a positive note, nick and i had our FIRST offical date inn 8 months!! it was a niiice break! <3 we went to applebee's and to see HP&DHP.2 and i got ALL dolled up! i felt really great about myself! it's not often that i really feel good about myself.... but i got nick in his nice shirt! and we both looked good! ^.^

sounds like tomorrow if i don't go see my mommy, i'll see my other mom! which is nice. have some adult conversation.... talk about these ^ kinds of things, and nothing in particular... :)

this looks like it's going to be one buuuuuusy month... i'm hoping it'll be all fun tho! :)

well i should probably head to bed since leo is sleeping... and i have plans one way or another tomorrow and i don't wanna be totally dead... so...

good night moon

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