I know it's been a while, but life has ben go go go go! :)
My monster boy is now 1!! Time is flying by! He is so handsome, and RUNNING! Forget walking, that's to slow, although crawling is funny sometimes. My baby girl turns 3 tomorrow! Where has the time gone? Saturday we are celebrating. It's crazy. I want to cry! My babies need to stop growing, or time needs to freeze!!
I had carpel tunnel surgery one week ago. So far it's been great! Sure, it hurts a lot right now, but the tingles are gone. I can't lift anything right now... But I suspect, this is totally worth it!
I'm lucky with who I have in my life. Mom (terri) helped clean our place. It was/is more help then I could have imagined or asked for! I love her so much! It really kicked nick into gear in a way I couldn't. He's doing the little things around the house so we can finish unpacking! :) we have a bunch of new family members since I last updated. We have a big fish tank. The kids LOVE it. Aurorah loves to feed them.
We also have 2 kitties! They were born April, 14th. Both girls. The white one we picked out first before they were ready to leave their mama. Her name is Jack, after Jack Skellington. Aurorah named her, not caring Jack is a boy name. As she has grown, gray stripes have appeared, almost bone like. She is a skiddish, loving, beast of a girl. Never does anything half-hearted! She had been a project and a half, but a worth while baby. She goes limp when leo plays with her.
Doch ( doc ) is our tabby baby. She took a bit of work too. But she is a sweet heart, she is MY baby! Her and leo play so well! They bat at each other getting more vicious all the time! Even when Dohc gets her claws stuck in him, he never cries, just bats harder! She is constenly snuggling me. The first 2 1/2 months of their life they weren't really handled, so we were a HUGE change and everyone has settled in wonderfully! At night when when I'm sleeping nick says, they are both asleep on my chest, and the 3 of us look happy as can be. After we got them, our house really started feeling like home! Well it's late and the girls are demanding I settle into bed, so they can too.